Puddle in the Pasture

A view of the Pacific Northwest from the back yard.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

7 Inches & Ice





Yesterday we woke up to 7 inches of snow on the ground and a little sprinkling out of the sky..….and then that sprinkling snow turned to rain, freezing on contact, coating everything in ice!




 That evening we lost power, we are still without power and probable will be for the next few days, as it continues to rain the trees get heavier and heavier snapping and popping  every which way, making line repair very difficult.  I will post more pics and fill you in on more of the excitement  later It’s crazy out there!!!!!



Connie said...

Well, it looks pretty, but I know what a challenge it can be to deal with all that snow and ice too. I hope you all are staying safe and warm. I hope you get your power back soon.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Hope you stay warm..and don't float away:)

imac said...

Gee wizz EBet, plenty snow with you all, no work farming at the moment then?
Power to the People.