Puddle in the Pasture

A view of the Pacific Northwest from the back yard.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Now and Later

This morning there were three deer in the Market Garden, I wanted to take a picture of them but Fluffy chased them away!

Any way, here are some pics of things that are blooming or soon to bloom.




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Two bushes in our backyard, the pink one is a honey suckle bush its not in full boom but it will be soon.  The white one isn’t a bush actually, its some sort of cherry tree we’re guessing! 



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This is our big cherry tree also in the backyard.


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Here are our apple trees in the front yard along the driveway, they’re not quite blooming yet but I think they’re just about there.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Sky Watch Friday








The blue heron flew up into the picture just as it clicked.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

So Far So Good


This year is going pretty well for the sheep, much better than last year and the year before!

Nobody chewed their lambs feet off, or had their  uterus fall out, or got coccidiosis, or didn’t produce any milk, and there aren’t any bottle lambs, and none died!


Last year we didn’t have our handy dandy creep feeder, it had finally gotten too old but we didn’t have time to repair it when that was discovered, so  the lambs couldn’t get the special grain to protect them from coccidia, we ended up with less than 10 lambs.

This year we have 20 big and healthy ones! 


#45 loves getting his picture taken, he is one of the biggest.

We tag our lams just to help keep track, so we can say 45’s mom is a keeper!


This is the side I put the feed in, it falls through the screen and the ewes can’t get to it.


Well, for the most part.


This is Lazy Lewis he is the closest thing we had to a bottle lamb.  He got his name because he was to lazy to nurse,  we helped him  and after a few day he caught on.

Lazy Lewis has no ear tag because his mom has no ear tag, and his mom has no ear tag because when we were putting it in, she jumped away and tore it out! 

Lazy Lewis also has a tail, which we normally would cut off,  but it was just a short little thing so we left it. It just makes Lewis, Lewis.



#43 wanted to tell me something, but all he could say was my name.

“Bet Bet Bet!”



Well that is the story of our success so far!